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(All text in Norwegian)
Det er Rolex som er klassikeren for meg, sier Jonny Larsen, også kalt Jonny «Rolex»

(All text in Norwegian)
Han ble slått til blods i urmakerforretningen sin, og ga opp. Nå er han gjenoppstått på nettet.

(All text in Norwegian)
Master clockmaker John J Lindstrom has finally released his book / history form on the clock's history that can be read for those who are interested in it!
A little about math, a little bit about physics, pretty much misunderstanding about, the law of large numbers - and not least, misguided expectations.

(All text in Norwegian)
.... or the story of four hours in a watchmakers heaven.

By Kjell Jørgensen (All text in Norwegian)
..... or: how it went better with the watch than the airline.

Text and photo: Kjell Jørgensen (All text in Norwegian)
Longines - the brand with hourglass with wings - can trace its history back to 14 august 1832, when Auguste Agassiz established his business in Saint-Imier in the Jura Mountains.

By Kjell Jørgensen (All text in Norwegian)